Vampire Treats

Vampire Treats

10 oreos

4 fruit roll ups

20 candy eyes

red piping gel

black piping gel

red fondant

Start by taking the tops off the Oreos so each cookie exposes the white cream center. Next take the black piping gel and create a widows peak by making a very skinny triangle on the top middle. Then outline the rest of the hair line. Next, fill in the rest of the space to make it look like hair. Add two candy eyes to the vampire. Then use the black piping gel to make a smile and the red piping gel to make fangs coming out of the smile. Take the red fondant and shape a bow tie with it. Add it to the bottom of the cookie below the smile. Lastly cut the fruit roll up into 4 small triangles. Each triangle will be the vampire’s cape. Bend the fruit roll up to be positioned under the cookie to look like a cape. Repeat for all the Oreos. Add more details as you wish, and make it your own. Trick or Treat!

*I used Gluten Free Oreos.*


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